Rules of Engagement for SFS.
All housing is subject to be searched.
All food is subject to be confiscated. However, if one household begs you not to take their corn meal, please listen as one of the participants has a gluten allergy and we can't have the corn meal being mixed. This will be reemphasized prior to the start of the event.
Civilians should be considerate when asked to turn pockets, or have their belongings searched. This was not a game in the 19th century, and it’s not a game here. Unless you were a spy and had something to hide, I do not image that most civilians would have risked military arrest or worse at gunpoint.
There is to be NO hiding of items in areas where the army is NOT permitted to search (i.e. modern medical poke, under petticoats, in corset, etc.) If this were the real ’63 army I don’t think they’d hesitate to search someone if they had reason to suspect espionage, aiding the enemy etc., but due to modern sensibilities… Therefore in all fairness to the military...
The army is NOT to frisk, or manhandle the civilians, however, the civilians are required to abide by rules #3 and 4.
Should a civilian do something to anger the ’63 army, the army has the right to arrest that person and require them to remain with them throughout the remainder of the event as their prisoner, unless they make restitution and the army has reason to believe they are sincere, or their friends can convince the army to release them. The army is under no obligation to do either.
Should a civilian chance to capture a soldier, the same rules apply as are in #6, unless the soldier should see an opportunity to make his escape, or his comrades should chance to come and rescue him.
All penalties are permanent. Arrest, injury, etc. except as mentioned in rules #6 and 7. This means if your character is wounded during the event, then your character is wounded for the duration of the event.
9. There is to be no one killed at SFS, since there is no resurrection, and it would result in the dead person having to do one of two things: he/she would either lie around the remainder of the weekend as a corpse, or leave the event. However, this does not license one to make daring escapes and such. This event is about thinking like a person of the 19th century, and to them, a daring escapade could potentially result in death. So please do not take advantage of this rule.
10. This is an oddity folks that you’ll have to keep in mind. If the army confiscates a vehicle and the army does not have a driver that has been cleared by Mr. Jeff Clagg (donator of the livestock and vehicles for this event), then the civilian driver must be pressed into service to drive the vehicle for however long the army is in need of it. The other problem is that some vehicles cannot traverse all the land due to the creeks and such, so again, if the driver says this is all the further I can take you, then that’s it folks.
11. No horses or cattle are to be injured in any way.
12. The vehicles are not to be destroyed or damaged in any way.