Struggle For Statehood
1863 Civil War Immersion event
                                            Guidelines (based upon those of Recon II)

Mission Statement:  The goal of the civilian authenticity standards for Struggle for Statehood is to create as accurate an over-all impression as possible--physically, mentally, and in behavior--without over-emphasizing any one area. The purpose is not only to give each person the sense that he or she is surrounded by real people of another era, but to give each individual the feeling that he or she has personally left the modern world behind and become, as much as possible, a resident of Cabell County, West Virginia, in 1863.

Because all civilian participants are experienced reenactors (or will be guided by experienced reenactors in the months leading up to the event), and because there is more natural variation in civilian clothing compared to military uniforms, these guidelines won't attempt to dwell on the specifics of clothing.

Clothing should be typical and practical for your character and the circumstances being portrayed. Most civilians will be members of a middle to lower class farm family in their everyday work clothes.  No modern undergarments or hidden modern layers; all clothing should be reproductions of period garments. No modern eyeglasses.

Cooking equipment, water containers, etc. should all be based on what would be typical for the time and place. Food will be provided for the event in the way of live chickens, potatoes, cabbage, onions, apples, flour, etc.  There may also be available a cow with calf for fresh milk.

A simple blanket roll, cup, container for water and frying pan would also do nicely. No "found" military items in the hands of the civilians. No firearms except by prior arrangement /agreement, so safety and tactical considerations can be discussed with the military.  More information on the specifics of shelters/dwellings will be provided, as scenario preparation advances.

The only exception to the "no non-reproductions" rule is one car key, if you wish, and medical items such as prescription medicine, asthma inhalers, and only if you feel it necessary, a card with medical information. Contact lenses and feminine napkins/tampons also may be included as medical items. All modern medical items should be concealed in period-style containers and used as discretely as possible.

The following will be strictly enforced by way of a pre-event inspection.  No cameras, cell phones, watches, cigarettes, make-up, modern wallets, modern eye-glasses, etc. Use of modern electronics such as cell phones during event hours will result in immediate expulsion from the event.No alcohol!  Use of alcohol will result in immediate expulsion from the property.

If you have questions about any specific item, feel free to discuss it with Linda Trent

First person is required at all times except during an emergency, from when you leave the registration area to begin the event, until the conclusion Sunday noon, even during traditional "down times" such as early morning, late night, etc. This means that anything you say should be what your character might have said--no discussions about other reenactments, museums, research from a modern historian's viewpoint, the internet, etc.  There will be plenty of opportunity before the events to plan and discuss our characters and their relationships with each other, to make first person easy and interesting when we finally get together.

In case of a 21st century emergency anything like, "call 911" or "get a paramedic" should instantly tell us that it is a real emergency and not part of play.  I personally do not believe in being 'cute' when we have a life and death situation, and once a real wounded person comes in everyone in that area is going to be exposed to 21st century talk anyway.

We are counting on everyone to help us enforce these guidelines to help make it a successful event.

If you have any questions about anything in the guidelines, feel free to contact Linda Trent